Submit a Classified Ad
Please send us your information by email. Include a good description of your item(s), the price and location of the item(s) and your name. If you have any photos, please attach them to your email, since photos are the best way to let people know what you have!
Please let us know as soon as you have sold your item. All items will be removed from our web site after 6 months, so if you wish the ad to stay up longer, just contact us and let us know.
Send this information to our web weaver and she will let you know when it is online.
Please let us know as soon as you have sold your item. All items will be removed from our web site after 6 months, so if you wish the ad to stay up longer, just contact us and let us know.
Send this information to our web weaver and she will let you know when it is online.